Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Today's Yesterday

    By the time I had gotten home, and completed the few tasks I needed to for school and whatnot last night it was a little late to write up a post. I do have photos from our sculpture class yesterday. so check 'em out.

[Cody's self-portrait in progress]

    This was the second to last week on these, and I've moved my eyes out a bit and I'm trying to keep nudging all of my features to be even more specifically like mine. The ears still need to be finished, and I have to decide what visual language I'm going to use for my hair, but at the end I think I'll be pretty satisfied with it. Once we're completely done, and we grab some classy photos I'll try and get some in progress compared to the finished ones to share.
[Allison's self-portrait in progress]

    We [Allison, my brother Clinton, and my Mom, and Clive] also carved our pumpkins last night after school for Halloween this year. I never plan in advance, so by default all of my pumpkins look very jack-o-lanterney. As opposed to something an art student would be doing, but that's okay. It's all for fun anyways.

[Cody's pumpkin]

[Clinton's pumpkin]

[Cody, Allison, and Clinton's pumpkins]
    I apparently forgot to get a shot of just Allison's, but that's hers is in the shot of all three. I chose to carve Kopaka, Toa of Ice from the original Bionicle toys. Allison made a simplified Super Mario hopping into a brick, I like it, it ended up looking like an Aztec wall carving of Mario. Clinton then carved a pumpkin head fro the game Destiny.


"There is much talk, and I have listened, through rock and metal and time. Now I shall talk, and you shall listen." -The Gravemind


  1. How come you didn't post mine and Clive's pumpkins too?

  2. I don't know anyone by the name "Anonymous".
