Thursday, October 9, 2014

Gourd Times, Gourd Times...

   The title sounded more clever in my head before I typed it, anyways, if you couldn't already guess after a while of working on rigid structural forms we finally switched it up and drew some gourds.

    We were encouraged to continue to think, and work constructively as we built our drawings. So you can see some structural marks in my drawing. In a drawing without any value[we were strictly forbidden to use any] lineweight plays a huge part in how the form turns in space, and holds it's integrity. I think for the most part my drawing is pretty successful.

[Cody's gourd drawing]
    Gourd is such a weird word, every time I write it it looks misspelled. Drawing is definitely my favorite class right now, every Thursday I look forward to whatever thing we'll have in front of us to draw next. It's my comfort zone, I can do alright no matter what we do.

    I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing about the show on Saturday, who knows. I'll share a small preview of some designs I was working on yesterday.

[crab guy work in progress]

    Look at that sweet mushroom. I notice I don't care to draw such simple things anymore. I want challenges. I rush right thought everything because I feel like it's wasting my time. These structural techniques make me focus more on the technique and less on the object itself. So what ever I'm drawing might be way off from what I'm actually looking at, but it looks right on paper. I rushed this gourd drawing. I was happy to draw an organic object, but I was so excited I wanted to finish it and prove to someone/the teacher that I can draw quickly. I have no patience for anything. All of my professors keep telling me to slow down. My body does not want to slow down. It wants to draw quickly and semi-accurately. I'm stubborn. 

    My gourd looks funny. I know the angle of the large plump part is wrong. I didn't use value one the mushroom, I put in small circles. I have the patience for that, but I don't have the patience for accuracy.  

[Allison's gourd drawing]


"Take your time and concentrate on the humming bird" -Unknown(I know but I can't remember) 


  1. very nice! I like them both.

  2. Cody ... that's a good looking gourd, I mean as far as a gourd goes! lol

    Been working out in the garage a little, I had to use the heater already .... then the welder gives off some heat too!

    My next classes start the 21st so I'm getting some stuff done in the garage before I can't and it gets too cold out. Keep up the good work, I'm proud of yous two!

