Thursday, October 16, 2014

I Couldn't Think Of An Analogy

    Not much time for a long post tonight, I'm trying to get this done so I can head to bed. Today we started our next painting, which was an analogous color scheme still life. Analogous meaning color next to a color on the color wheel, Allison and I are working on a red based still life.

[Cody's analogous still life in progress]

    I like where it's headed at the moment, hopefully I can get the rest of the painting up to a presentable point by the end of class next week. Here's Allison's below here, she's already asleep. She fell asleep texting me I think, sweet dreams Allisonnn.

[Allison's analogous still life in progress]

    So that's it for tonight really. We'll be going to New York city on Friday with school to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and a few other places. We'll make sure to take lots of pictures.


"Exaggerate the unimportant, and forget the obvious" or something along those lines. -Nancy[our painting teacher]


  1. Cody, thanks for defining terms. For a non-artist like me, it really helps my understanding of what's happening - or trying to happen.
    Peace, Gil

  2. Making what I share/write about accessible to everyone is a goal of mine on the blog here.
