Thursday, October 23, 2014

That's Almost What We Look Like?

    I've finally got pictures of our self-portraits in progress so here they are.

[Cody's self-portrait in progress]

[Cody's self-portrait in progress]

[Cody's self-portrait in progress]
    My eyes are still in a state of "that looks funky", but I feel like my mouth and nose/nostril areas actually resemble my face. 

[Allison's self-portrait in progress]

[Allison's self-portrait in progress]

[Allison's self-portrait in progress]

    In our drawing class today we began to look at perspective through observation rather than through formulas/systems like in my perspective class. We did a drawing in one-point perspective, where all things parallel to each other and perpendicular to the spectator's eye recede into one vanishing point. It may not look too dynamic, but it ends up creating space, and looking visually "accurate".

[Cody's one-point perspective drawing]

    It looks pretty good in person, and you can see all of the line-weight variation and nuances up close, but from afar a lot of the lines look to be of the same importance.


[Allison's one-point perspective drawing]

    My sculpture looks a little weird. It doesn't look like me yet, but it is better than the last update we had of our self-portraits. Cody's looks fantastic. So far it's the only one that looks like him. I found out I recieved a C+ on my homework assignment for Drawing, I cried. Not because I received a C+ but because I had been doing something a large portion of my life and had been getting A's then when you think you're "good" at something and they smack you with " you're average". I guess I have to figure this out. My stubbornness is going to put me behind. I need to punch it in the face and start from the beginning, and act like I suck so I can learn more.


"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are" -Mewtwo

1 comment:

  1. Cody ... that sculpture is remarkably looking like, uh YOU!!!! That would make a great target at say ... 300yds? lol

    Yous guys are doing great, and those pixs from NY are cool, not that I'd just go wondering around there!

    Here you haven't used my submarine quote yet, whatsup?

    Love, DAD
