Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Beginning to Construct a God/Self-Portrait...

    Photographing and documenting work is something I try to be good at, as evidenced by our blog here. Some people aren't as used to it though so our instructors have to go over photo graphing techniques and things. So today in sculpture we took photos of our skulls that we had done for our last assignment.

[Cody's skull]

We also have started working on our base sculpture of a large planar head based off of a model call "the supreme being". Which is just a big huge head made of geometric shapes, which we will then extract our own heads out of for our self-portrait assignment which is a multi-week project. This dude takes a lot of clay to put together, and I didn't have enough to give him a back of a head yet, so I was just working on blocking out his face.

[Cody's supreme being]

    We then started taking a whole slew of photos from all sorts of angles to set up a photo array to work from while sculpting our own heads/faces. I'll be sure to get a shot of one while we're working on our heads for next time.

[Allison's supreme being]

    I also have a few pieces of work in a show during the  City Wide Open Studio[CWOS] event in New Haven this weekend. Two of my digital paintings were accepted pretty much without my notice to the show. I had hung them up one day, and they were gone the next! I have work all day Saturday when the school has a bus heading out there though. So do I call out of work to see my own pieces in the show, or go to work?....

[future building]

[mech approach]

    You can check out the CWOS website if you want, we weren't told too much about it, all I know is my work is there somewhere this weekend, I think.


"I'm probably going to call out of work" -Cody

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