Friday, October 3, 2014

The Kettle Is On

     In our foundation classes, Drawing I, and Painting I, we've been slowly working on building up to drawing/painting more complex objects, and groups of objects in perspective. Yesterday we were drawing piles and piles of ellipses in perspective, then we drew some tea kettles. There were some crazy looking tea kettles in there.

[Cody's kettle drawing]

[Allison's kettle drawing]

Outside of class lately I've been trying to take time to work on my own "studies", so I've been drawing more ideas and concepts of my own. These crab guys were inspired by a friend at school's project for printmaking.

[crab guy designs]

    I was trying to take into account the presentation of my ideas, regardless of how finished or good they are, they definitely look better arranged purposefully as opposed to just randomly thrown out there.


"Stay classy San Diego" -Ron Burgandy

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