Thursday, October 16, 2014

Midterm Drawing

    Today we had our midterm evaluation, and drawing assignment which was a still life that our instructor had set up with all sorts of different shapes, and objects to see how well we could incorporate all the ideas, and techniques that we've learned so far. The assignment isn't really graded, but it was more of a benchmark to see where we're at right now, and how we've improved theoretically from the beginning of the semester.

    There are a lot of things that I like about mine, and a few things I don't. It's not perfect, I would barely call it complete at this point, but it has to be, and now it's hanging on the wall in the school.

[Cody's midterm still life]

    The picture isn't dark, my drawing just has a lot of graphite on it. I spent a lot of time laying everything out, and drawing everything as well as I thought I could within the day. I think it was successful. I'm happy with where I am in the class and where I'm going with my drawings, I look forward to pushing myself even more.

    I also had Intro to Digital Imaging today, which was our "midterm" as well, which was just turning in our latest digital project, and talking about them for a bit. I was doing one thing in class, then decided to scrap it and do/finish up some thumbnails, and bring them up to a presentable level as a character design sheet.

[crustacean character designs]

    I'm heading to bed myself here now so we can get up bright and early to get on a bus and head to New York, New York. Hopefully we don't get lost or mugged.


[Allison's midterm still life]

    My ellipse's are getting better, but they are not the angles they should be at. I feel like this was a successful drawing, I'm cleaner than I used to be with my lines, but now they want me to not clean up anymore? Every teacher I had said to clean up my line work, and now I need to show everything. I erase often. Art school is what its worth.


"It's not luck, it's what you do that makes a hero" -Kopaka

1 comment:

  1. I would like to see some of the pixs from your trip. I think your still life is looking good ... can you draw a running horse yet? JK

    I looked at your sculpture of yourself, man you do have a tiny head .... is that to scale? lol I think you need a haircut.

    Enjoy the day cuz tomorrow it will be behind you .... Dad said that, and you can quote me!

    Love ya,'

