Wednesday, October 8, 2014

1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red painting, Blue Painting

    Today was the second class that we worked on our still lives with the three primary colors, so my painting is "done" for now. I ran out of time to do what I wanted within class, once I got a hang of mixing colors and laying them in correctly I wanted to get very meticulous/accurate with where/how I applied them to the piece. I may come back to it over the next week here while the still life is still set up. Or work from a photo to get more of the nuanced colors, and reflected light into the painting.

    Here's where it's at right now though.

[Cody's three color still life]

    There are some parts that I feel are more successful than others, the small blue glass bottle, and most of the drapery in the background for example. I realized that my painting was very vibrant compared to a lot of other people's including Allison's, but I like it. The objects were bright primary colors though. I ran out of time to refine the blue vase, and the yellow kettle forms, but they have paint on them at least.

    After looking through and editing some of the shots of my skull I also decided to get a little more "creative" and paint it into Skeletor for fun tonight. 

[Skeletor from Cody's skull]

    Everytime I had looked through the classroom I had seen a sea of many different permutations of Skeletor already, so I figured, why not?


     I only had an hour and a half of sleep last night, I went to bed at 4:30 am. I felt awful, so I went back to bed and decided not to go to class. I figured that I would get more sleep before going to class. I slept till 11:20, got dressed and got to school by 1:15. I didn't really get to finish my painting like I wish I could have. I just realized there is a huge chunk I forgot to fix , the brown on the bottom box should be duller. Now it's going to bother me.

[Allison's three color still life]


"Art is never finished, only abandoned" -Leonardo da Vinci 

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