Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Is That What We Look Like? Part 1

    So now we've moved past our great being or whatever he's called and begun to extract our own head/likeness out of the clay. My head is pretty small, so I had to hunk a lot of clay off of that guy to get it down to my size. We had taken a whole bunch of measurements with a pair of calipers so once I got to hackin' it was all just matching the sizes.

[Cody's self-portrait in progress]

    It's just barely starting to resemble me, but as I get the individual features more accurate to my photos/myself it will come together hopefully. We have some small skulls that we had started for homework for an ongoing project over the semester here, but I don't have any photos of those guys yet. So I'll share those later.


     It's self-portrait time again. We have to create portraits of ourselves in sculpture. I love the idea, and all I want to do is work on it. On the other hand, it makes me want to cry. I'm so lost with out a 3d model in front of me. I might do better with a mirror instead of some photographs to go off of. My bust looks... nothing like me right now. I'm frustrated with it, I want to make it a good piece but this is my first sculpture class. Which makes this my first self-portrait sculpture. Cody's sculpture is looking like him. It's my motivation for mine to do the same...[continued in Is That What We Look Like? Part 2/Allison Edition]

[Allison's self-portrait in progress]

    I was mostly working on the right, it's left, side of the face. I'm eager for better results next week. 


"An artist cannot fail; it is a success to be one." -Charles Horton Cooley

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to see the finished sculptures. they look great already!
