Monday, October 27, 2014

Apple Picking, The Hunt

    Cody and I went apple picking yesterday. There were barely any apples left... we walked around a lot to find some good apples or any apples at all.  I wish we had gone earlier in the season but I can never pin point when the best time to go apple picking is. I feel like Fall just started kicking. Our next thing we need to get off our list now is a corn maze. Cody wants to go to a scary corn maze where people jump out. I... would rather just enjoy getting lost in a maze.

    We collected 7 pounds of apples. I'm going to be eating apples for days and I'm totally okay with that. I'll just keep the doctor away, and not catch Ebola! Hurray! I'm suppose to take my niece apple picking this Saturday hopefully, but with the so few apples left on the trees I'm going to have to think of something better to do. Maybe we will just scavenge for the few apples on the trees and make caramel covered apples, or make something cool with leaves.

[Check out this Dragon tree!!!]



  1. I used to take the boys apple picking just up the road from the house, apples are yummy!!! Yeah, its almost winter, apples should be picked around middle of September, thinking back.

    Well I have to cook some salmon and have a salad now ... you guys be good!


  2. Aren't you guys supposed to be in school? Cody, did you get my Skype message? Call me back.

    Love you
