Monday, October 6, 2014

Procrastination Station

    My computer, is a procrastination station. I built it for high quality game graphics and to handle my abuse of higher quality videos and editing software. I use it for my homework of course. I have two 3 page essays due today and I had to deactivate my Facebook last night because I would get on to do my financial aid/write on the blog/homework and spend more than an hour catching up on everyone's posts. I deactivate my Facebook often because it's too time consuming. I finally finished my financial aid entrance counseling, my " think about it " course for school boring because they don't want us to get raped or do drugs and drink to much. I felt most of the information was common sense, I know what a " hook up " is, but apparently they had to teach me regardless. It was designed well, but the information in the first half was common knowledge. I learned more about how to keep a buzz though with out getting drunk. Hooray!!  During the course, they say that if your BAC is below a .02 you can drive legally but you might be impaired. Which is weird because I was taught as a kid that if you even have one drink that's light on alcohol you can't/shouldn't drive.

Anyhow, I'm writing an essay about this image right now:
[ Ad for reporting child abuse] 
"Some people look at a child and don't see a child"

   I'm not having a hard time because there is so much to talk about this image even though the content is so simple. Here is my intro paragraph, I thought it was clever :  
       A young female walks into the restaurant, she is wearing eye catching colors and her strawberry blonde hair is long and soft. You make eye contact and she smiles directly at you. Her lips are moist and they shimmer in the light with a cherry red glow, your favorite color. She sits next to you at the diner bar and tells you her name, she seems to be interested, are you?  You place your hand softly on her back and introduce yourself by offering a hand shake and a drink. A women with a stern voice approaches you, she takes her daughter by the hand as the child hops off the bar stool. The mother is disgusted with you, how far could you have gone if she hadn't shown up.
            The disgusting thought of being tricked into thinking this passage was about a young attractive adult women looking for attention is embarrassing. The truth is, some people look at a child and don't see a child.  Just like the ad, this passage captures the audience’s attention immediately.

   My prologue seems powerful, it grabs you in and then throws you under the bus for " assuming" she was of age in the first sentence. Gotcha, shes like 6. Which reminds me, my essay is due at 6 pm and I'm not done. One page left, then I have to write another essay about a statue.


Ps. I'm currently drowning a stink bug because I don't wanna kill and get the smell everywhere. Is that cruel? 

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