Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Analogies For Life

    So on Tuesday we continued to work on our self-portrait sculptures, and I brought my camera, but I forgot my battery! So I made sure I had my battery today to get photos of out analogous color still lives that we were "finishing" up, and I planned on going into the sculpture studio and grab photos of our heads. Alas, I forgot.

    My analogous still life turned out alright, once again I feel like I could work on it for a few more hours, and I may. I was spending most of today laying in color, and trying to make all of the forms at least read as three dimensional.

[Cody's analogous still life]

    I need to push the value differences within each plane more often/earlier in my painting. I feel like the painting is mostly successful, even though some places need to be brought up to the same level. In the end it's all a learning experience and I do feel like I learn something, and hopefully improve with each one as well.

    I'll have photos of those sculptures tomorrow for sure.


[Allison's analogous still life]

    This was the hardest still life I've had to do this semester. Yet my teacher says this was my best painting so far. It looks like poop. Do all my paintings look like garbage? And the one that seems the most garbage to me, "my best yet?" That totally boosts my confidence. It feels unfinished, and too flat. I'm not a fan of this, I seem to be getting really frustrated with my work recently, and it's stressing me out.

    I have an exam on Friday, and I'm not prepared. I'm not going to pass because I have to memorize 70 images, and 70 dates when each piece was made. How am I going to remember that? He has a website set up where it is easy to study, I'll know the names of the pieces but that's it. It's just numbers to me for the dates, I could get them all wrong. I'm probably going to have to take this class again next year. Just the first half, my first midterm and I'm going to fail. 

Send help.


"I don’t think there’s any artist of any value who doesn't doubt what they’re doing." -Francis Ford Coppola