Monday, September 29, 2014

Working From Home

    So to start off, these pictures are from last Sunday, but they're still relevant to what I'm talking about today.

    One of the things Allison and I have been doing for most Sundays since we started dating almost 2 years ago now is work on art every Sunday in the small studio at her house. Most of the time we're working on homework, but occasionally we'll work on our own stuff[can sculptures/paintings]. Last Sunday and today we had some work to get done for our Painting, and Drawing I classes.

[Allison working on homework]

    For our painting class last Wednesday we had to reproduce an "old master" work in only 5 different values in a greyscale. Similar to the assignment we did in class with the donut rings. Allison chose to use an Edgar Dega painting, and I had done a Francisco De Goya[which may not have even been painted by him ironically]. Then for drawing we had to create and draw a still life of mostly cylindrical objects on multiple levels to work on drawing similar objects in varying heights in correct perspective.

[Cody's still life in progress]

    So while we watched 101 Dalmations on the little TV in the corner we drew from this still life, to be critiqued in class on Thursday. The critique went well I just had a few ellipses to fix, which we had then talked about in class at this point, and add another planar object[box] to the bottom tier. Which we ended up finishing today, and I of course brought my camera and forgot to take any pictures, that's alright though it's not that interesting to look at anyways.

    Just picture a tissue box under that shelf to the left of the peanut butter.

"Prepare for titanfall" -IMC robot dispatcher


  1. Is that crunchy peanut butter? I thought you didn't like crunchy?

    lol, Dad

  2. Too Funny (your Dad would notice something like that!) Kari-Ann

  3. No, it's a huge jar of creamy. haha How come sometimes you post as anonymous, and sometimes you're signed in Dad?

  4. To lazy to sign into Google!
