Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Be Still My Life...

    In our Painting I class so far we've been given two colors to work with up until this point, Raw Umber[a dark warm brown color], and Titanium White[it's white, what do you want]. For this project we got to introduce THE COLOR BLUE[ultramarine blue to be specific]. 3 COLORS!

[Cody's 3 color still life]

    I had a lot of trouble working on rendering the funky oblong shape on top of the overturned pot, but I was told the boot looks pretty well rendered. I spent a lot of time trying to get all the tiny plane changes on the boot I think I was seeing. I think I nailed down the likeness of the boot pretty well. 

I think for our next one we get to paint with the 3 PRIMARY COLORS!


    I like this piece, and I hate it. I finished early and the teacher hadn't come around to talk to me for like two hours while I had been working on it... I felt like I was missing something. I added in highlights, like those dots on the gold thing that were the ceiling lights. The teacher told me " I laughed when I looked at your painting" wow. 

[Allison's 3 color still life]

    I'm in a learning environment and I'm trying new things and nothing is more upsetting than when someone laughs at what you've done. She also compared people's homework paintings to others who copied the same original painting. You wouldn't compare a Degas to a Van Gogh . They are two different painters, with different styles so why would you compare one girls to another girls assignment. She kept saying one was more correct than the others. She practically made fun of the paintings "this one looks like it's having a bad day haha, who did this?" Which calls out the person and now they are embarrassed. They did the assignment, it doesn't matter if they couldn't copy it well. The original assignment was to use 5 values and block out the shapes without blending. 

     Sorry it's been a bad day, English class was awesome though we talked about some ads and manipulation within advertising. And some other things I can't mention...


"You've been dead for a while, you're going to see some things you don't understand." -Your Ghost[Dinklebot]

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