Friday, September 26, 2014

The Perspective Thrill

    On Fridays I have my Perspective class in the mornings. Most of the class is spent going over different "methods" to achieve drawing different shapes, planes, and lines in linear perspective. There's a lot of measuring, angles, and connecting the dots involved. I actually quite enjoy doing it when we have a clear goal. ie. Draw this square as a cube in perspective. Like  in my math class I like figuring out the problem, and knowing that I've solved it correctly.
    My instructor calls it "the perspective thrill", which of course is now an ongoing joke with some of my other classmates. So I've got a picture that's a little more interesting to show though, I'll talk briefly about what we were working on in Drawing I yesterday.

[ellipse studies]

    We were studying how to draw ellipses in perspective[all of the classes concepts overlap] by practicing drawing more vases and cylindrical shapes. Instead of measuring though when we draw from life we learn about the things we know to be true about drawing circles in perspective. Like an ellipse should never have points, the half closer to you should be slightly larger than the one receding into space.

    So our understanding of mechanical, and visual perspective should allow us to create more accurate looking drawings even if they're not measured out perfectly. I'm going to be working on some environment concepts for a project I've been helping with off an on now for a while this week. Hopefully I can get some more accurate/believable perspective into the paintings.


1 comment:

  1. So you are ready to start a rendition on my Camaro now? I can picture it in my head just can't get the lines right ... I tried and it looked like a Yugo!

    Hey, I was gonna tell you the other day the my beard is really just a "sculptured scruff", not really a beard. You can quote that!


