Monday, September 1, 2014

Some of My Prehistory...

    I've had many influences and particular subjects I've always loved to draw, and I can trace some of those things back to when I was very young. One of them, and maybe the most relevant was dinosaurs.
[triceratops sketch]
    Ever since I was a kid I've loved animals and learning in general, but the thing that always stuck out to me the most was the idea of giant creatures that once roamed the the earth. Dinosaurs were very popular in the beginning of the 90s when I was young due to a movie you may have heard of, Jurassic Park. I may have been a little young, but I remember my dad showing my brother and I the movie and we wore out two tapes we had watched it so many times.

[utahraptor sketch]

    My second grade teacher didn't help either, Mrs. Lawrence's classroom was full of posters, toys, and two giant paper mache dinosaurs. This will all become relevant to our art blog, I assure you, just bare with me.

[dino concept, work in progress]

    Recently I've had a reinvigoration of my passion for dinosaurs[I've got a few drawings/sketches in this post]. So it was to my surprise when I learned that one of the instructors at Lyme Academy, and also my assigned advisor, Peter Zallinger, and his father Rudolph Zallinger were once a paleo artists. I had seen their work before apparently too, Zallinger Sr. had painted the mural at the Peabody Museum "The Age of Reptiles", needless to say I'm very excited to be working with someone who's worked in a field I may very well be looking to get into myself.
    Or at least continue to be interested in/influenced by for the rest of my life. Tomorrow I have Sculpture 1, and hopefully the last math class I'll ever have to take in my life. Should be fun.



  1. Of course I care ... just getting better at showing it and learning the www. Dinosaurs? Never seen one, have you? Oh yeah, Tricyclopots, he was big.

    You enjoy yourself and may the force be with you,


  2. I look forward to your comments Michael. (Mr. Avery?) they make me laugh!
