Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Eyes and Ears and Mouth No Nose.

     Today was another sculpture day, Cody forgot to take pictures of our sculptures so we don't have any photos yet. We sculpted ears, along with our mouths we had for homework and the eyes we did last week. We learned how to make casts of sculptures as well. I fell asleep in class because I went to bed at 11:00 last night. So tonight I'm going to bed  at 10:00. At least I'm going to try, as soon as I finish typing this. I need to read a chapter for English tomorrow, because I've been so busy.

     I also bought a stupid game for $4.99... It's both a curse and a blessing. Blessing is to entertainment as curse is to this was a poor choice and it scares the pants off of me.

Happy almost hump day,


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