Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Skull-pture Part II

    So today Allison and I got our skull sculptures to a nearly finished point I think. I may go back before class on Tuesday and look at it with fresh eyes, but for now. I think I'm satisfied. I can't tell you how many times I was working on another part of the face and went, "his eye sockets are wrong" and had to re-work them. In the end though I think they look pretty good, there are many nuanced shapes, valleys, and crevasses just within the sockets alone.

[Cody working on his skull]

    I really do enjoy sculpting in any form, as a form of extra-credit our instructor Kim suggested that we come up with our own side project based off of something that interests us. I may look into grabbing some extra clay to work on creating a maquette of some sort of creature/ character design.

[Cody's "finished skull]

    I'll share the sketch/design for the maquette project when/if I get something I like.


    Our skulls came out great this week. I finished early and made a cast of a hand to kill some time. I added a bow tie and some indication of eyes and a mustache for humor to mine, but that started a bunch of people to add stuff to theirs even though they weren't done...
    I think I did a great job on my skull. The teacher encouraged me to really get things identical. She was being picky because she knew I was capable, which I'm glad because I like challenges. If she said i was doing good and walked away, like she does with some people because they obviously weren't seeing the skull correctly, I would have been discouraged.

["Aye, what'do ya think yer doin'!"]

[Allison's skull selfie]

    I'm excited and not excited for our self portraits... I just got the hang of getting my 2-D portraits to finally resemble me. So a sculpture should be... interesting. 


"And he prays!" -Skeletor

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