Thursday, September 4, 2014

Open Boxes, "Revenge of the Rectangles of Death"

    So we drew MORE RECTANGLES AND BOXES TODAY. For 7 hours. This time the tops were opened..
    I'm seeing improvement in many of our classmates, including Cody and myself. Each of us are improving in different areas. For instance, I'm working on my full-arm strokes with my pencil, instead of short strokes, and I need to stay away from erasing a lot. Cody is working on not making dramatic exaggerated perspective in his still life's like many of his sketches have.

     Although I feel confident in myself to do well in school, I worry for my Art History class grade. I'm pressured with a lot of reading. On top of that I have to read short stories for English. I'm not worried about it, but with the pile of reading I have to do I'm sure I'll fall behind.

    Side note: I'm unsure of the format I should be writing in when I write for the blog. I enjoy the "to art school with love, Allison"  format, because it represents the blog title. Yet, this format is alright.

    You'll have to excuse my grammar and sentence format and structure... and spelling(Is that grammar?). I'm a poor writer and was a D student in English class ever since I was in 7th grade.

    I noticed Cody wrote a little about himself so I was prompted to the same, but this is the first time I'm writing on my computer instead of my iPad. Which means I'm lazy, and I'm procrastinating doing my homework right now as you read this. 

As always,


"The holy grail is to spend less time making the picture than it takes people to look at it." -Banksy

1 comment:

  1. Just remember .... get your homework finished before any extra curricular activities, yes that include Cody! I have not worked on my Camaro in three weeks cuz homework in more important, I do hope to get ahead on homework and play this weekend ... we'll see.

    You and Cody will be fine, just don't get behind on work, you can play later.

