Friday, September 5, 2014

'Tis I Sculpting Thee

    As Allison had posted before, we've started our Sculpture 1 class now as well as our Drawing 1, and Painting 1 that we have together. Three core/fundamental classes that may seem like something we'd have taken before, or know something about right? I may have taken plenty of art classes before, and have some "experience" doing all three of these things, but to be honest I wasn't in the right mindset/environment to get as much out of them as I could have.

[both of our sculpture assignments]

    Here at Lyme I've decided to dedicate myself to working seriously on my school work, and art in general, which I really wasn't mature enough to do before. So today I got some homework done with plenty of time to spare before class next Tuesday. We were assigned to recreate features of the human face based off of casts of Michelangelo's David[you can see one of them in the first picture].

    Then tonight I'll be working on what I guess can be called product design, for an idea my mom's friend had, and working on a contest entry with my brother for the current Master's of the Universe comic series. I've got those, and a list of other projects I've got going written in my sketchbook here. Being in school and around other artists definitely motivates me to work on stuff outside of class as well. 


[Cody's sculpture assignments] 

    Today, I went into school early to do some homework in the studio. As you can see below and somewhere above, I worked on some lips. Mmmmhmmmm. Nothing too interesting, because today was pretty simple. I had art history class, and I constantly want to leave because we talked about one Egyptian relief sculpture for an hour. The professor did not even know what it was about, so everyone was throwing out ideas as if we were trying to guess. So I finally went " I think... you should tell us what its about,"  and he goes, "Oh I have no clue"... neat. Just because we have 3 hours in the class, doesn't mean we need to spend an eternity on a photograph in a slide. 

    There was an ice cream social today. I feel more like a part of the "older" folks that go to school now, because we hung out with them and talked for a while during our hour lunch break. It's nice to know people don't think I'm 17.

[Allison's sculpture assignments] 


"Allison, did you know that birds are dinosaurs?!" -Cody

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