Thursday, September 11, 2014

"Is This a Doughnut or a Bagel"

      During our painting class today, we broke up the time for two paintings. They were the same subject but with different techniques. The objects we painted were rings of foam under strong lighting. I had a good time painting, I'm getting used to oils. Yet I'm having some difficulty figuring out a good ratio of solution and oils for a base layer and which paints are transparent. A lot of people told me my first painting looked like The Lord of the Rings movie, meaning the atmosphere and the resemblance of a ring I had painted. (See below) It honestly looks like a Panera Bread painting of a bagel...

[Allison's first donut]

     As far as friends go, a bunch of people found out I'm not 18. They don't think I'm silly like some other kids that are new at the school. I told them who else was older among the new students. Also they knew who I was without knowing who I was, as in someone is talking about me and they know the description of who they were talking about but not who I actually was. I'm not surprised, Cody has classes with people who have been there for more than a year. It could pass around during conversation.

[Allison's second donut]

     Anyways, English class is alright we are reading lots of essays. Tomorrow is drawing class, we get to draw something other than boxes now! 


    I'm actually learning a lot from doing these paintings of geometric shapes we've been working on. If you were to look at them in order, you may not see a straight progression of quality, but I take something different away from each of them.

[Cody's first donut]

    While working on my first one today I ended up having way too much paint on the canvas, and with oils it makes it very difficult to put any more paint on without everything smoothing all together. For the second painting today we were assigned to only use 5 different values to represent all of the form in front of us.
[Cody's second donut]

    I ended up having a few too many values being very close to each other, which makes it harder to create contrast. I'm trying to remember to slow down, and work in a particular sequence while painting in oils. I really don't like the way the black, and white one looks at all compared to the raw umber, and white one either. Lessons learned.


"Learning is fun!" -Us I guess...


  1. Donuts .... I like chocolate donuts. The first vision I had was Iron Man sitting in that big donut !!! I'll have you come paint my car when you're ready .... not, think I'll use epoxy outa spray gun instead of a brush, that would be tacky.

    Learning is fun? I said that a long time ago ... why do you think I an still in school?

    Yous guys have fun and don't paint any cars!

