Monday, September 15, 2014

Dear Math...

    So I sat down to do math homework tonight and discovered this note in it.

[archived note from math text]

    To summarize it says, math sucks more than Satan, I'll never use this in my life, boo you suck. I thought it was pretty funny, especially since I bought it used from a seller on Amazon. So either the seller left me this note, or whoever was selling it didn't take it out. Either way I'm glad I got it, I might leave one myself.

    I actually enjoy what we've started with here, normal algebra is more like a puzzle to me than it is math. I'm not as hateful towards math as this presumably girl was, but to leave a piece of the past in the hands of someone else could be fun.


1 comment:

  1. That is too funny ... maybe she didn't pass math!

    Those are good looking Dino's keep up the series.

    Algebra is interesting, that Calc was unnecessary unless you are an engineer!

    Love you,

