Tuesday, September 2, 2014

David, oh David, who is sculpting thee

To: Art school

    It's Tuesday, and here's your routine insight to our hopes and dreams. Even though our scheduled posts aren't on track yet, school hasn't been in session two Mondays in a row, so we can't talk about art on a Monday yet. BUT TUESDAY, we're talking about Tuesday.
    It was our first sculpture class, our teacher got us right into sculpting, which was great. We had to replicate the "Statue of David's" eye. Everyone was sculpting the same thing, most looked really close to the original, but so different from other students' work. I've never sculpted before, I've only made some ceramic cups and an ashamed Pooh Bear piece, which I wouldn't have called sculpture. I did alright for a first try, we will post pictures tomorrow!(hopefully) 
    My wallet is also more empty today, I had to spend $51 on a tool and a little bit of clay... 

Send help, and Michael's gift cards.
With love,


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