Saturday, January 31, 2015

Judge, Jury and Exhibition or First Show of the Year

    Last Night Allison and I attended the Juried Student Exhibition's opening reception. The show was great and there was a pretty good turn out for the opening. A few people spoke briefly and very fancy yet fairly bland hor d'oeuvres were served, but that's not what the show was about. It's about art. I recognized a lot of work that I had seen classmates and fellow students working on over the semester, but I also saw a good number of pieces I hadn't.

[Allison and her painting titled, An Apple a Day Bring the Teapots to Play]

    Allison and I each had a piece in the show, her a painting and I a sculpture. Allison's dad came to the show as did my mom and step-dad. Which was very nice, and I always appreciate anyone coming to see my art, but I was surprised to see someone I hadn't in a very long time. My elementary school art teacher and painter Rosemary Palmer[Mrs/ Palmer to me] and her husband came to show. I always had loved her classes and she helped me get into summer classes at Lyme while I was still in elementary school.

[Cody and his sculpture titled, Pair of Pants]

    It was good to see her, my art teachers have always encouraged me to do what I like and keep on arting. So I have, hopefully it'll all pay off someday. I definitely feel like I belong doing art and around other people who share the same passion as I do. 

[Cody and Allison]

    I'm also glad to be here with Allison, she's already fallen asleep for the night she was drawing for a good chunk of the day it must have tired her out. I'm very happy to be able to share my love of art and love for her in the same place. We may have very different goals with our art, hers fine and mine of design, but art comes in many different forms.

    In my painting class we have started another still life, though it's not just a bunch of boxes and shapes this time. It is of a human skull and a few other objects. Influenced by vanitas paintings, which were still lives/studies with a meaning as well. Usually about the mortality of man, represented by an extinguished candle as in ours.

[vanitas still life]

    I most of the afternoon working on the drawing, and starting the under painting. I didn't spend enough time on my last painting focused on looking at the object in front of me. So I'm making sure to do that now.



  1. it is a great show! wish we had stayed a little longer so I could has seen Mrs. Palmer. oh well maybe next time! very proud of you and Allison!

  2. I was very impressed with the diversity of works. The pieces you and Allison enter were excellent. I'm very proud of both you.Your evolving talents don't cease to amaze me. Keep up the great work

  3. Cody, I thought you'd like to know that my wife really likes your portrait sculpture of me. I'm also very impressed with your final product. It was a pleasure to pose for you and watch the evolution of the piece.

    Would you mind posting a copy of the photo of you and the sculpture on my Gil Salk Modeling page on FB? Of course, feel free to include a link to your blog and/or portfolio.

    Peace, Gil

  4. Thanks, I'm glad the two of you like it. I'm pretty proud that I made it into the show my first semester at the school myself. I can post the picture on your page no problem.
