Friday, January 23, 2015

Back Into the Swing of Things

    Here we go, another reasonably scheduled update for anyone taking a look/reading. This week has been busy as I've said, yesterday I had drawing, and today I had perspective and painting today.

    In drawing we've been working with charcoal, which I have some experience with, but I don't feel like it's one of my strongest mediums. I'm going to use some charcoal pencils as well as the vine charcoal[light sticks of charcoal] to get into some harder, darker mark making.

[charcoal reflective study]

    We prepared the surface first by covering the page with a neutral tone, so that we could work in both a reductive and additive manner. The plane that the coffee pots are sitting on is a little off, but the pots themselves look reflective enough to me. Working with vine charcoal is very soft and smudgy, I like harder forms of charcoal, but this is very helpful to learn with.

[charcoal glass study]

    Since the vine is so soft, it's very easy to move around and make corrections very quickly simply by wiping it away. This one works a little better compositionally, though it's mostly centered. Our last drawings we did for the day were of drapery, which I find very fun to draw, I love all the angles and harsh shadows they can contain.

[charcoal drapery study]

    This one may not be the best spatially, but i feel that its texture and movement make it a successful study. I was struggling to get the light source more obvious, on colored paper I could have used white charcoal or cante. Good thing we get to start using some white next week.

    I've got plenty to keep me busy tonight/most nights and this weekend, with homework for drawing, painting, illustration and English. 
    Next Friday is the opening reception for the Annual Juried Student Exhibition. The show will feature work by students in all majors, including Allison and myself. The reception is Friday January 30, from 6:00 - 8:00 P.M. The Show will remain open until the 28 of March, normally open from 10:00 A,M. - 4:00 P.M in the Stillman Gallery.

    I invite anyone in the are to come see the show, there should be a lot of good work to see.


"The sun is only a god, in perspective we control the sun. That must make us super-gods." -Skyfather Zallinger


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