Thursday, January 29, 2015

Studying Studies

    We had a full day of drawing today, we're still working with charcoal in a combination of additive/subtractive manners. I've liked working on the toned paper we have all around the school so I'll keep using it for now. We worked on a bust and a pile of human features. 

[charcoal bust study]

    I was kind of struggling with the white on the toned paper. I was using a white charcoal pencil so my marks were very small and precise. I'm going to try and grab some larger sticks of white and play with that as well. It was starting to look okay there's just a little too many evident marks.

[charcoal feature study]

    We had to do an old master copy for homework for today. I feel okay about it, but we always have more time to re-work it and learn/improve.

[old master study]

    Our show is tomorrow night at the school, so if you're in the area and looking to see some art stop by! Annual Juried Student Exhibition from 6:00 - 8:00 P.M.


    There is not much to say about these drawings for this entry. I loved working in white charcoal though. I also feel like I'm falling back into old habits of not checking things and measuring proportions.

    The image below is of some hands and feet. I enjoyed working on both these pieces but I felt more relaxed with the hand and used a relaxed gesture while drawing. 


"Ka-Wham! Look at that!" -Susan[our drawing instructor]

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