Monday, January 12, 2015

Spring Ahead

    I know it's not time to change our clocks yet, but tomorrow is the first day of our spring semester at Lyme. I'm excited to get back to school, and back to work. On painting, drawing, my own stuff, and on our blog here.

    I have some classes that carry over, and some new classes as well. I can't wait to start my Illustration classes this week. I have two tomorrow alone! Special Topics in Illustration, and Illustration I. As a transfer my classes don't fit the plan exactly so I'm skipping Intro to Illustration, and the second half of Sculpture I for now. I'll have to squish them in next year.

[a sketch of an Australian mythical creature for @sketch_dailies on Twitter]

    Hopefully my illustration classes can keep me motivated to push myself/my art even further. It's something I always struggle with. Even when I have projects I can be working on. Like one that Allison, and I are starting together for her Uncle. We were asked to work on designing some logos, and t-shirt designs. So we'll have some of that to share soon.

    Right now though, I'm going to take out the trash and head to bed soon so I can get to class on time tomorrow. I hope everyone had a good holiday/break.


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