Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Finding a Path of My Own

    With all the snow around I didn't have much class the last two days, so I've been taking time to redirect/reevaluate where I want to be with my art when I'm leaving school in a couple years here. So I'm making sure I'm working on my own style and artistic voice outside of my classwork. I always feel as though I'm learning in class, but I want to see it reflected in my concept/design work.

[prop design sketches]

    I want to traditional/fundamental skills I'm learning to inform my designs and hopefully it can make them that much better/more appealing. I was sketching  a lot last night and today while doing so, and talking to my brother who also wants to get into art. My goal is to have a new portfolio-worthy design every week or so now. I'm need to spend more time and thought getting them done.

[vehicle design sketches]

    I'm trying to work on my line work in photoshop, I have trouble achieving the same confident and bold mark making that I have on paper. I'll get there though. That said my goal for next Friday is to have a portfolio worthy vehicle design page done. Now I need to start looking for some freelance work/internship opportunities for the summer.

    Don't forget Friday is the opening reception for the Annual Juried Student Exhibition from 6:00 - 8:00 P.M.


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