Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Busy Working

    Sorry for a lack of updates both Allison and I have a lot of classes getting going right now. So we have a lot of work to get done, which means we also have a bunch to share when we get time to. I'll just post a few here from Painting I, and History of Illustration that I've done this week.

[Cody's Thomas Nast study]

    I'm very much liking the Illustration classes that I have this semester, History of Illustration should be fun. We're moving through a huge time period from the 1800s up until modern day. In the middle of lecturing to keep us from losing focus our instructor Dale has been having us draw some of the pieces in his presentations. This is part of a political piece by Thomas Nast.

    I'm developing a very cool idea in Special Topics in Illustration, we have to redesign a book cover with some form of assemblage and I'm redesigning The Covenant of Primus. Which is a book in/about the history of the Transformers.

[Cody's portrait cast painting in progress]

    In painting we're working on painting white figures, and portraits at the same time. I meant to just paint the shadows, and mid tones in a cooler color, but got a little carried away. So right now my whole painting is very blue. When I come back to it on Friday afternoon I'll have to warm up the lighter planes.

    Allison still doesn't have wi-fi in the townhouse at school so she asked me to relay something brief for her.

Allison has a class called Independent Drawing Projects, in which she essentially has free studio time with critiques once a week intended to get students used to working freely on their own ideas. She had her first critique for the class today, and got the impression that her work isn't good enough. Which isn't the right thing to come out of a critique with. We were talking about it after her class and she's not so worried about creating her work for other people to like, for herself, and to take the criticisms that are valid, and not take other comments too seriously.

    I know she'll do just fine in the class, and create great work like I know she can. She just needs a little more confidence and intent behind her work.


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