Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Keep On Painting On...

    Today was the second day of classes, and the first of my 3 returning classes. I have Painting I in the morning today, and the afternoon Friday. We'll see how it works, today we just worked on a small color still life to get back into the swing of things while people got re-adjusted.

[Cody's color still life]

    I also had History of illustration, and English Literature today. I'm actually pretty excited for both classes, I just want to get into it, I'm already tired of getting handed more syllabi. Yesterday I had Special Topics in Illustration, and Illustration I. I'm excited to get into more classes closer to my alley. I kind of feel like I'm a little outside of the fine art though wanting to do concept/design work though.

    I'm also worried about getting the rest of the funds to pay for the semester by the 1st. So I'm headed to the financial aid office tomorrow. If I were to put some paintings/prints for sale would anyone be interested in buying anything to help out? I'll figure something more specific by the end of the week.


    Today I started classes because I don't have class on Tuesdays. I had three , Independent Drawing Projects, which I'm very excited for, Contemporary Art Critique, and Mythology. I am in a classroom from 8:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. ...Wednesday is going to be a busy, hungry day for me. I worked on a project today in class and I didn't take any pictures so I'll figure something out to show you guys. 

      I'm also moving into the housing on campus. The date is still being set but with good luck I'll be moving in on Sunday. It is frustrating to not know who my roomates are going to be and what items I need to buy if we don't have anything. I kinda hope I move into a new unit with people and not move into a unit with people who already live there because then I don't wanna intrude on how they do things and I can't decorate as much. Oh well... 

    More updates soon!


"Wide enough to hug 33 people, shoulder to shoulder." -Evolve Dev Team speaking of Behemouth

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