Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I'm Working On It

    I'm not going to write too much today, I've got some of my own work I want to get done/started for Friday, but I do have work to share. Yesterday I had Illustration I and Special Topics in Illustration. In the former we're working on self-portraits in either stippling of halftone styles. Stippling being tiny repetitive dots bunched together to create value and halftone to emulate an old style of printing, like a comic book.

    If you didn't know, up here in Connecticut we've gotten a good amount of snow on the ground, and we've missed about a week of class over the last two from snow days. So instead of reproducing the whole drawing in ink, I'm doing a more "finished" drawing in pencil and adding a halftone filter in photoshop for the final. I'll present both, and it was suggested by my instructor as an option.

[pencil self-portrait]

    I'm pretty happy with how my self-portrait is coming out, I don't do them often/at all so I was struggling at first. I'm going to push the value a little bit more along the side of my neck and in my hoodie and shirt. I think the visible directional lines work in my favor, so I'm happy with that.

[vanitas still life]

    My painting is coming along as well, I worked on it all morning in class and I'm trying to pay attention to how I place/mix all of my colors. I'm happy with where it's at for now, I'll have Friday afternoon and next week to finish it up as well.

    We may be getting another few days of snowfall here this weekend, hopefully it's not too much. I'm tired of shoveling and not getting to go sledding in any of it yet. Hopefully Allison will have something to share late tonight after her Mythology class, or tomorrow after we have drawing.


   I had my critique today for Independent Drawing Projects, I will post photos of my pieces later. They are not completely finished yet. A lot has been going on and I'm so swamped with projects and assignments. I love seeing what Cody is doing in the classes I'm not in with him, his self portrait has come along way since the last time I saw it. It looks more like him now. I really like it, and I wish he would draw more people including himself. I also need to do more self portraits.

   Yesterday I went to a gallery showing in New York at the New York Academy. I will post pictures when I get them from my friend's camera. It was alright, the show was nice, but the trip was dreadful. We were gone from 3:30 pm to midnight and we were only at the show for around 40 minutes. 

   I'm brainstorming for my next two pieces for IDP(independent drawing projects) with some old cards I have from an abandoned building. I want to go back and get more... But the weather is keeping me from getting in there. Snow leaves tracks and tracks are a no-go. You can't sneak with footprints following you everywhere. 

    I recently made a cast out of a mold of a figure the process was terrible. Everything went wrong, leaks and bad plaster mixing with a side of poor molds made from a broken sculpture. We recently made relief carvings with a pear of pears. I really love working in relief, it's a great three dimensional aspect to drawing. 

    Also I just found out my myth teacher doesn't like cats. 200 points to him. 


"May The Force be with you, always." -Obi-Wan Kenobi

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