Tuesday, November 4, 2014

It's Like a Mirror, Kind Of

    Today was the last day in class to work on our self-portraits for sculpture, we have until the beginning of next class to refine it if we so choose. I'm most likely going to work on the forms that make up the hair on top/in front of my face they're too regular at the moment, but there are parts that I like.

[Cody's self-portrait in progress]
    I worked on further fine tuning my features, and giving myself some more squishy parts on my face. It definitely bares some resemblance to me now.

    Allison's has come a long way in the last couple weeks, I'm sure she'll have a great looking sculpture by next Tuesday. I'm proud of her.


     My piece is frustrating me, it doesn't look like me and it's got weird features. I'm always my biggest critic but this is really making me feel like I can't see what I'm doing. I need to focus more on the pictures. I'm just carving from what I think my face looks like, in certain areas. I need better photos. I have bad photos to work off of. I want to start over... But it's due next week and I have zero time to work on it. Eyes are weird too...
      I never have anything good to say, why is that ? 

[Allison's self-portrait in progress]


"Don't make a girl a promise, if you know you can't keep it." -Cortana


  1. I think it looks like you Allison! Great Job!

  2. Cody .... you changed your hair some, texture? Your hair is so soft .... its VO5 hot oil treatment!!!!

    Started school .... time is allocated to studying now!

    Love you,

