Friday, November 21, 2014

Stilled Life

    So I've got a few days of work to share tonight. We are still working on our latest still life in painting from Wednesday, and we did a new drawing on Thursday.

    I felt like I didn't accomplish too much on Wednesday, I was working the entire time. My still life did progress, but I wasn't having as easy a time mixing the colors I was looking to use, or apply them in the manner I wanted to. It's getting there, and I'll have something done after our next class. How much I'm satisfied with it will be something else though.

[Cody's deep space painting in progress]

    Then in drawing we began working on cross contour drawings. Where we attempted to show the shape of forms by covering the objects in the drawing with a series of lines to give the illusion of turning, and changing planes.

[Cody's cross-contour skull in progress]

    So we started with a "regular" contour line drawing to get everything going, and block out the forms and shapes in the correct places, before we then gave the skull volume with the other lines.

[Cody's cross-contour skull]

    At first I was worried I'd "ruin" my original line drawing by adding the contour lines, but as my instructor pointed out I/my learning is supposed to be the product of these drawings in class. Not the piece itself, I am actually happy with how it turned out, and I'm glad we did this assignment.


    My painting looks modified from the real still life. I had a hard time fixing the colors to match. I look at a space and i feel my eyes adjusting to see the colors, I would see blues, greens, and reds. But I couldn't figure out how to match the color on my painting. I know how to mix colors. I have a hard time seeing the color for what I need to mix. The white wall which was darker than some spots on the still like was a grey blue. I mixed a lot of vibrant colors first. I'm still getting used to oils. I prefer to use oils now though because I can blend things and create soft edges. I really enjoy Cody's painting. It fits into an impressionism genre, which he likes. Mine feels too boring or plain. I haven't finished yet obviously. 

[Allison's deep space painting in progress]

[Allison's cross-contour skull in progress]

[Allison's cross-contour skull]

  I've done some of these cross contour lines before in high school. I enjoy doing them as well. I was eager to start this project and we have to do a separate drawing of our interior assignment for homework with cross contour lines, That I'm not so excited for because there are no organic  shapes in the still lifes we are doing.


"I make art, sometimes I make true art, and sometimes it fills the empty places in my life. Some of them. Not all." Neil Gaiman

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