Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Day Behind, But Streets Ahead

    Sorry for being AFK[away from keyboard] for the last few days, I had forgotten my battery in the charger at home one day, and had missed sculpture last week, but I had my camera, with the battery in it today! So we've got shots of what we're doing in sculpture now.

    Starting with last week they had 3 different models in class: a younger guy with a particularly large head, an older gentlemen, and a rather normal lady. Allison had chosen the guy with HUGE features, and scared me into thinking I'd need twice as much clay as I had. The lady wasn't in for the first half of class and I needed my time I had with the model to get caught up, so picked the older gentlemen.

    I actually had planned on doing the lady, because I haven't sculpted a woman yet, I'm quite happy with the gentlemen I ended up with.

[Cody's portrait sculpture in progress] 

    For just having started today I'm quite proud of where I'm at, I just put in my headphones and hit the road on this thing. He has so many folds, and lines it makes his face very complex, but distinct at the same time. It's easier to get a likeness on an older person where there are clearly defined features. As opposed to someone who's young and the likeness is in more nuanced details.

[Cody's portrait sculpture in progress] 

    By lunchtime I had caught up to most of the other people in my class, I definitely made good time building up his head and approximating facial features. I have to bring out the back of his head some to fit the size of his face, especially since he'll have a beard when I get all finished up.

[Cody's portrait sculpture in progress] 

    It's got a pretty solid likeness of him as of now I need to refine the ball on the end of his nose, and work on his mouth at the beginning of next class. After that maybe I'll get to his facial hair[eyebrows, beard]. He has a very particular head shape, and being bald means you'll see the whole thing, so I'm trying to get that spot on as well.

    My instructor was impressed with the time I was making while still doing quality work. I'm glad that I can see and work so efficiently, it's something I like to think I'm pretty good at. When we have drawing again on Thursday I'll get photos of what we did last week as well to share. Be prepared.

    Now I have to glaze/scumble on a painting for a little bit tonight.


     I'm still working on some facial features. I work right to left on my sculptures. So every time you see my sculpture they are more finished or polished on the right sides. My model has a lot of distinct features, which is great to work with because you can catch resemblances really quickly. Although  they are so prominent, it's easier to see the mistakes. 

[Allison's portrait sculpture in progress]
     He also has LOTS of hair. So I wasn't even done with the hair in this point of the piece. I still have a long time before we critique them. I believe I worked pretty well, I could probably work slower though. I have three more weeks to work on this.

[Allison's portrait sculpture in progress]


"I just do art because I’m ugly and there’s nothing else for me to do. " -Andy Warhol


  1. You guys are amazing! I keep seeing all these great head sculptures...I think mine would look more like an ogre with medusa snakes and those big scary animation eyes that Japanese animators use. Cool sounding yes, but I'd most likely fail the class haha! Anyways, you guys are awesome - keep up the great work!
    Aunt L

  2. Thanks Aunt Lynda, maybe I'll sculpt an ogre, or Medusa. haha For our last small homework portrait we can do whatever we want.

  3. Cody, your model was also impressed with the speed and quality of your work as you caught up with the rest of the class. I admired your focus and the dedication you brought to the task. It really was a pleasure to sit for the group.

    Gotta say, though - I'm fine with being called older, but...(assume italics here) "gentleman"? You're going to ruin my reputation.

    Peace, Gil
