Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Figure Thisss

    Allison got a chance to take some pictures of her portrait she's working on of the model from yesterday. We also have been working on some small portraits for homework and her second one is somewhat based off of our friend Ryan.

[Allison's homework portrait #2]

    I love how my self-portrait's head is snooping in the background of this shot.

[Allison's life portrait in progress]

    I'll be building up a basic head in the same manner as we did for our self-portraits that way when I get to class and go to catch up I won't have to start from scratch. I'll grab some shots of our other homework portraits as well.

    Today we started our next painting which is a "deep space" assignment, and we're working on a large still-life that simulates an interior of a room in say someone's house. The goal is to work with the ideas we've been working on to create a larger more convincing space within the painting. So by using things like overlapping forms, atmospheric, and linear perspective all in tandem the space being conveyed in the painting should feel believable. 

[Cody's deep space painting in progress]

[Allison's deep space painting in progress]

    I also gave a small presentation on H.R. Giger today for an assignment in the class, I think it's very funny to see people's reactions to artwork that isn't traditionally beautiful. I find his work very interesting actually, and his work has inspired some of the things that now inspire me directly. Like the Alien franchise[of which he worked on], and Halo.


"She said that to me once. About being a machine." -Master Chief 117

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