Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Catching Up

    It's been a while since I've been able to get a post in, I've even been claiming there'd be new ones and not being able to find time. We're in the last month of this semester now and I can't believe it. With all of the work for classes and the holiday we've been pretty busy. I've got a few things to show, but not too much. I may do a semester re-cap/best of each media or subject at the end of the year.

    In both of my Illustration courses we've started on our last project, in Illustration I I'll be doing another watercolor, this time with colored pencils as well. We were assigned to do something interesting with a fruit. I chose a pomegranate and there's a theme of rebirth/reintegration I'm playing with.

[fruit illustration color study]

    Before I started on my final version I took my sketch into photoshop and did a quick color study to try and get the mood and lighting I was going for. I like how this looks, to be honest I think I'll have a hard time re-creating the same feeling traditionally.

[3D illustration concepts]

    In Special Topics in Illustration we have to create a 3D piece of work[sculpture] and then photograph it as the final illustration, choosing a scene/story from a book. I've recently been reading Joseph Campbell's The Hero With a Thousand Faces, and in it there is a story about Prince Five-Weapons and how he defeats and ogre named Sticky Hair. In the story any attack or weapon used to try and harm the ogre traditionally sticks to him[hence his name]. I thought it would be interesting to have the hair as active part of the fight flowing as if it were underwater at all times. So the hero and his 5 weapons will be suspended in mid[h]air.

    I'll be starting the actual sculpture this week so we'll see how it goes, we're supposed to use Sculpey because it's fast and bakes in the oven to harden. I'm not sure how I'll like it compared to oil based clay.

[plaster figure painting in progress]

    In painting I did this small piece working from a cast, with my painting class split up I don't have as much time as I'd like, but I'm still learning. Hopefully my schedule for next year will be smoother and I'll be able to sharpen/polish up my paintings.

[pencil figure drawing]

    This was the last figure drawing we did in Drawing I, I decided to do it in pencil for something different. There are things I like and dislike, but I love drawing in pencil. If I can't choose digital, I would probably choose my mechanical pencil. 

    I've finally started getting in the extra figure drawing sessions at school, hopefully it can start to help and I can get motivated/back into the swing of working on my own stuff soon. It may not happen often until classes end.


      These are some figure drawings from class, the one on the left is meant to be over exaggerated. and the one on the right is in watercolor. I'm terrible at small details and watercolor layering. It's a difficult medium and I've come to accept that I don't like using it, and it doesn't like me. 

[Allison's figure drawings]

    This Friday is the opening reception of the Senior Studio Exhibition from 6:00-8:00 P.M. If you live nearby and can make it I'm sure it's going to be a great show.

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