Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Circle of Life Brother... Circle of Life...

    Not too much to share tonight, I haven't been grabbing enough photos from Figure Drawing or Drawing I, but I do have some stuff from Illustration. Below is my last digital/color study before I wnet to move on to my final in watercolor, ink, and colored pencil. Which I'm actually liking a lot. I can work fairly quickly with this combination of media. the most time was spent in "pre-production" designing and actually drawing the animal/scene. 

[final color study]

    For my final I fixed my watercolor paper to some Masonite board I picked up, which is super affordable by the way, so that the paper wouldn't buckle as I painted and worked on it. I'm also going to try and use the Masonite for panels in Painting I for my final homework assignment as well as my last in class pieces.

[traditional media study and final in progress]

    For the illustration though I was feeling that the pomegranates weren't clearly symbolic enough within the piece. So I'm going to give them Byzantine style halos with orbit/planetary rings within them. Which I feel makes it more stylish and makes the fruit more evidently important. I'm going to try to actually gold leaf the circles, which should look super spiffy once it's done if I can do it correctly[I don't think I'm going to use real gold for my first try here though].

    It's odd how themes and ideas link between thoughts and actions. The main idea in this piece is very similar to something I'm writing about in my English class, the cycles of themes, thoughts, and ideas.

    Tomorrow in painting we're going to be starting some landscape painting, so I'm going to finish preparing those panels.


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