Sunday, April 12, 2015

Something to Show

    In my painting class we've been working on painting the figure, I had started late due to my scheduling, but I think it actually turned out very well. I'll have to take another photo of it, because the picture we got the night of the show was taken in poor lighting.

[figure in interior painting]

    I've taken to laying most of my paint down in top of my sketch and under-painting with my palette knife. I think it's because it feels so much like painting digitally, laying smooth thick colors sharply and accurately. I like this painting a lot, I'll grab a nicer photo this week.

    Friday was the Opening for the Senior Exhibition, we went and had a pretty good time. A lot of people showed up and the work was great. Everyone had a few pieces in the main gallery, which looked very nice. I feel like the real show took place in each artist's individual studio.

    All of the seniors each had decked out their own studios full of more work, their sketches, reference, and other work in progress. Seeing all of the work really gets me excited for next year and going forward where I'll have more freedom to develop my own work.

[Jaroslav's studio]

    My favorite work was Jaroslav Kosmina's, he's working on a lot of stuff that interests me. Creature design, and environment work. He's taking it more in a large fine art direction at the moment, but I feel like he's truly a designer/concept artist at heart.

[Sobura maquette and drawing]

    Jaroslav's work is technically fantastic, his creatures look believable, they definitely look like they could hold their weight and smash your towns with that weight. I've been trying to study animal anatomy some in my sketching time.

[Jaroslav's studio/work]

    Seeing work of this quality inspires me to push my drawing and designing skills even more. I want my senior show to be as good as it can be. I want my work to be good enough to get me a job/work after I graduate. So I want to spend as much time as I can outside of working learning even more.

    If you want to check out Jaroslav's work head over to his Facebook Page


    There are many things wrong with my figure in the image down below. I fully understand that. We just started working on them on Friday with a live model. I'm filling in her arms still and her breasts are still too small. I keep focusing on local sizing comparisons not overall sizing comparisons. Her neck is too thin and I've been working my way right to left, I tend to do that with almost all of my sculpture pieces.

    I'm in the middle of a "What am I going to do with my life" crisis, so I'm trying to straighten my self out by working harder. A few people talked to me yesterday about getting my butt in gear. I'm feeling down about how far I've gotten, and what I was suppose to do to become successful. I'll keep you updated on what I figure out. 

[Allison's figure sculpture in progress]


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