Thursday, April 9, 2015

Interior Drawings

    Not much to share today, Allison and I each did one "finished" interior in charcoal for Drawing I. I'm trying to push away the lines in these to gain more space in the drawing, I still need to push more. Working on my final homework assignment and more interiors in ink next week should help. I do love working with lines though.

[Cody's charcoal interior]

    I've got some Perspective homework and hopefully some drawing for myself to do tonight so I'm gonna' get to it.


    I found this one room in the Sill House and its so lovely, I'm so drawn to it. It has green walls and these gorgeous windows with shutters. There are two sculptures on the filing cabinets and I've drawn it twice now. This charcoal drawing is the second time I've drawn it. I'm cropping it though, I made the window too big. Although the left window was bigger than the right, It's just TOO big.

    I will post a photo of my pastel version for another day. I have pieces to upload and I'm going to start some scheduled posts so I don't forget to write on the blog. 

[Allison's charcoal interior]


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