Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Back at Bat

    We're back in town from our vacation in Colorado, we had a lot of fun and I got a little bit of work done on my homework so I'm catching up to where I need to be. I'll be back into the swing of things by the end of the week here. hopefully with regular blog posts and more digital work because I now have a new tablet! It's a cintiq 21ux and I love it, being able to see exactly where my hand is takes so much pressure off of my brain I can use for thinking about what I'm drawing rather than how.

[gargoyle concept]

    I'm trying a sketch a day again with gargoyles this time. I'll probably just post up all seven as one post on Sunday, rather than rush to draw and post them every day here. I did this one with the new tablet though. I can't wait to keep working and get back into working digitally more often.

    I've got some illustration stuff I'm working on and even finished, but alas they're in the wrong file type so my photoshop cs2 won't read them. I should have some work to share later this week for my other classes though. I'm trying to get back into doing work for Project Contingency the Halo fan game I was doing concepts for a while back. We'll see what's going on there.


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