In our sculpture class we've been working on 3 small portraits for homework. The first was just a facial action[mouth/eyes closed], the second one was a recognizable expression[fear/anger], and the third one we could do whatever we want. We've been critiquing them throughout the second half of the semester, and we have until the last day of class to refine them even further. So I don't have pictures of the first few yet, because I wasn't as happy with them. Once we've gotten them up to snuff by the end here, I'll get nice photos of all of them.

[Cody's homework portrait]
[Cody's portrait sculpture in progress]
[Cody's portrait sculpture in progress]
[Cody's portrait sculpture in progress]
I'm definitely satisfied with how my sculpture is looking now. I've still got to bring the ears up to the same level as the nose, and eyes. I hope it ends on as strong a note as I've started.
[Allison's homework portrait in progress]
For my small homework portrait, I chose to sculpt a forest elf. I made chunks of bark come out of the top of his head and sculpted leaves to place in there. This is an in progress image so It looks better now because I worked on it for a while after the photo was taken and the next day. I'm working pretty steadily in sculpture class on our figure models. I have a lot done but I'm refining details.
I've been assigned many projects to complete before the semester ends. I was freaking out about them previously, but I'm not as worried because I'm working efficiently.
Happy [almost] Thanksgiving!