Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Bit of Backup

    I've got some homework for Drawing to finish up so I won't type very much, but I've got some work to share.

    In Special Topics in Illustration we've been assigned to illustrate a Tarot card of our choice. I chose the Wheel of Fortune for something different, and I'm taking it in a science fantasy direction. I did my sketches in photoshop, but the final will be some sort of mixed traditional media piece.

[wheel of fortune tarot card sketches]

    I'll probably mess around with watercolors to get the nice textured space/galaxy that I'll want. I'm leaning towards one of the two on the left... with the one on the right in 3rd.

    For Painting I we're doing portraits from live models, because of my split schedule I'll be doing two paintings with half the time for each. So we'll see how they go. I think I'll be alright.

[portrait painting in progress]

[portrait painting in progress]

    I've got another piece that I've been working on for Illustration I that I'm liking a lot, but I don't have any photos yet. Maybe tomorrow.



  1. is the second portrait the same model that you did the sculpture of?

    1. Nope, it's the same as the last charcoal drawing I posted though,
