Tuesday, February 10, 2015

For the Longest Time

    We've gotten a lot of work for school done lately, the downside being we haven't had time to share anything.

    Tonight though, we do.

    Last week I had continued working on my still life in painting, I've got a lot of the skull painted in now. I'm happy with parts of it and not satisfied with others, tomorrow hopefully I can finish it strongly. Some of the sharper planes look good, I know the darker planes don't read as well.

[vanitas still life]

    In Special Topics in Illustration we were tasked with redesigning the cover of a book and I chose to do the Covenant of Primus. Essentially it's the Transformers bible in their universe. In ours it was a book released that tells the story of the creation of Cybertron and the original 13 Primes.

    Right when I started my sketches I knew that I wanted the cover to be metal, 3D, blocky and weathered. I decided to use the ancient Autobot logo split in half on the cover Which is still iconic, yet not blaringly Transformersey. 

[the Covenant of Primus]

    Making the whole thing out of metal looks great, but I struggled to weather/beat it up in the manner I had intended. Overall I think it turned out pretty successfully, I am going to work on it a little more on my own.

[the Covenant of Primus]

    The Cybertronian text could be more integrated into the metal and I think the weathering would have helped. I may also play with burning/indenting the text into the cover.

[the Covenant of Primus "print cover"]

    We also had to present a cover that would be printed on the mass retail version of the book as well. I need to retake the photo and add the "real world" title/author once I work on it further. This is how the book was turned in/critiqued today though. I'm fairly proud with how it turned out, but holding in it hand and looking at it all around really makes it feel successful.

    I also completed my self-portrait for Illustration I and got the half tone on it, it looks pretty cool in person.

[halftone self-portrait]

    The digital version just doesn't do it justice. I'm working on sketching/planning out my next assignment for Illustration today I'll share that when I've got more set in stone. Tuesdays are my favorite days right now, spending all day working on assignments and critiquing work much more aligned with what I want to do is very motivating.


    Today I worked on my piece Independent Drawing Projects, which is going to be two collages. Mixed with another form of medium. I did a lot of cleaning today, I don't have class on Tuesdays. I'm also thinking about applying to be the RA so I made a resume today with a cover letter. I hope I get the job. But I also know there is a lot of responsibility and you have to be available all the time. I'm working on a lot of homework this week. I'm overloaded and I've been working on stuff for hours today. 

    I'll take photos soon. But here is a poor quality photo for now of my latest project.

[self-portrait collage in progress]


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