Wednesday, March 4, 2015


     I haven't had the chance to share most of my work in my illustration classes this semester. So I've scanned some of my sketches from yesterday in Illustration I. For this assignment we have to show some form of transformation within the composition. So I've designed a landscape/environment where these large rocks[natural formations] are being pulled down into these receptacles[technological structures].

[transformative sketches]

    At first I was playing with different compositions for the rock formations, that I'm basing off of Asian scholar rocks. The final piece will be done in ink and watercolor, but to figure out what color scheme I wanted I worked on it in photoshop for a bit.

[transformative sketch]

    I don't know if I'll be able to achieve the same effect in watercolors, but we'll see. I have all of break to do studies and finish it up. Along with my tarot card that I shared sketches for before. I won't have my tablet with me because my laptop doesn't work. When I get home from break though I should have a brand new Cintiq coming in to learn on. I can't wait to see where my hand is drawing when I'm working digitally. It looks like there's more transforming here than just in my pieces. Hopefully it can show in my work/production.

    I'll make a point to share my progression these two pieces. Maybe I'll do a sketch a day while I'm there traditionally. Any Suggestions on a theme?


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