Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Backups and Updates

    I've talked about grabbing an external hard drive to backup all of my work for about a year now. I finally grabbed a terabyte to keep my work/reference on. I've also been working on my rhino beetle model while monitoring/working as well. I'm pretty happy with where the sculpt is getting to now.

[rhino beetle sculpt day 2]

[rhino beetle sculpt day 3]

[rhino beetle sculpt day 3 with texture]

    Near the end of today we were being shown how to quickly unwrap the mesh and edit the UV map texture. So I quickly edited some insect shell, and rhinoceros skin textures together. It ends up looking like a late 90s show/game textured up. He looks like a high res textured version of some sort of Beast Wars Fuzor. I kinda' dig it... at the moment.

[vehicle studies]

     Learning about 3D modeling and trying to get back into the flow of drawing everyday again has me thinking about how school and my future job prospects will play out. So hopefully I can be prepared for work/life after Lyme Academy.

[creature sketch]

    I've added a few sketches/studies fro, yesterday and today as well.


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