Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I think it Could Use More Dinosaurs...

    I've started my new job at the school and I'm liking it so far. Until the summer classes start up that I'm to monitor/assist with in a couple of weeks I'm pretty much a whatever needs to be done guy. The last coupe days I've been a graphic designer.

    I have been drawing when I can, still not enough though.

[figure studies]

    I've found some time to get some studies in, but I need to make more time to apply what I'm studying after each day. To design my own vehicles, creatures, and characters.

[vehicle studies]

    I haven't had enough time to draw more dinosaurs like I had wanted to before Jurassic World comes out THIS FRIDAY. I did get a couple new Jurassic park shirts, so I'll have to decide which out of the 5 dinosaur shirts I own I'll wear on Friday... I definitely want to get in some more dinos in my days. I'll try to get a few in tomorrow, we'll see.

[acrocanthosaurus sketch]

[raptor sketch]

    I've got a lot of catch up to do if I want to hit 30 dinosaur sketches by the end of Jurassic June here. So maybe one day will just be nonstop dino drawing after work or something.

"Life, uh, finds a way." -Ian Malcolm 


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