Monday, June 1, 2015

Studying Away

     I've been getting some work done most days, last week I missed a few in my schedule, but I'm determined not to this week.I'm trying to make sure I hit a little bit of everything each week. Vehicles one day, environments another, animals, and characters...

    Early last week I got a few vehicle sketches in, I'm trying to work on my perspective above most other things. It's one of my weaker skills.

[vehicle studies]

    I also worked on some black and white environment sketches as well. This week after I get a good sketch I want to develop it further. Hopefully I can start pulling some portfolio pieces out of my studies. I'm still having a hard time creating a real sense of depth though, another thing to push. 

[environment studies]

    After those sketches I started on an idea I've had for a long time, that until I understood applying perspective was baffling me. It's just a double floating pyramid in a city, but I couldn't do it 1 or 2 years ago.

Progress? I may come back to it, or go at it from another vantage point/composition later.

[environment concept in progress]

    Today though i was working on some animal studies, birds in particular since they are dinosaurs. I want to be able to bring the real traits and postures of living birds into extinct dinosaurs. The dinosaur sketch I ended up doing has a kind of silly pose/stance. So I'll play with that more next time.

[bird studies]

[dilophosaurus sketch]

    There's a group/movement on Twitter and other sites called Jurassic June, where people are celebrating the Jurassic Park franchise for the entire month. Seems like a good month to pick with the new movie coming out IN ELEVEN DAYS. I'm going to try and get a dinosaur into my studies each day if I can so here's another chunk of Dino A Days.

    Allison's been drawing and painting almost every day with her classes in Italy, hopefully she can share some pictures of what she's been doing tomorrow. If not it may be another few days because she's taking a few day trip to Rome, and Pompeii. She better have 2 billion photos for me on her memory card when she gets home.


We appreciate any comments or thoughts anyone has, and share our blog with friends and family if you think they'd be interested.


  1. Yeah ... I'm back, love your turkey drawing, need at least a 10" beard thou. Tom got his turkey in Iowa w his Dad!

    Anyway, tell Allison to have fun in Pompei ... make sure she climbs the volcano too!

    Love you,


    1. You finally got the commenting fixed! Glad you like the turkey, he's Allison's brother's. He's blind so he came real close when I was taking pictures of all the birds.
