Monday, December 15, 2014

Time To Get To more Work

    So Friday was my last day of the semester, I had my final in Perspective, and I should have done just fine. I understand the material well, I just rush and don't think clearly sometimes. So I'm not worried, I didn't really have a final in anything else. For our drawing, and painting classes we had home work as well as finishing our in class assignments to do.

    Tomorrow I'll be going in with Allison to get finished shots of some more of our work, especially or sculpture work. Since some of the smaller work may not be kept, and I'm going to try and cast my portrait I did around the time that we go back to school in January to submit to the juried show.

    I also plan on cleaning up one of my pieces from digital imaging for entry to the show as well. Either the crustaceous environment, with the lake in the cave. Or the last one I did here.

[Cody's bot hangar concept]

    There are a few things I definitely like about what I've got so far, and a few that I don't. I'm trying to pay more attention to the perspective, and the "camera"/viewers eye together so that the painting reads correctly. This one is almost there. I enjoy the energy that the designs of the robots have, I'm a fan of the prosthetic foot design on the mechs[giant robots]. The light sources don't entirely make sense though. So I'll push the lighting situation into something more "cinematic". 

[Cody's deep space painting]

    We actually lost power on the second to last day we were working on these paintings, so I ended up "finishing" it up at Allison's house over the weekend last week. I think it was a successful learning experience at least.

    the last few days in drawing we were working on cross-contour drawings like the cow skulls we had done, but with pen & ink. We mixed in a little cross-hatching[laying lines over each other in repetition at different angles] as well. These are a few of the studies we produced.

[Allison, and Cody's cross-contour/hatching drawings]

    Now that I've got some time to work on art for myself a little more frequently over the break, I'm getting to work right away. Starting tonight! I'll share some images and thoughts if they're worth sharing. I hope everyone is preparing for a good holiday no matter what/if you celebrate.



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