Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Almost There...

    It's almost the end of the semester here, this was our last full class working with our models, and the second to last class of sculpture at all this semester. I've discovered a great new tool that I was working with today that I love, it allows me to push, and fold, and turn around all the forms in the face. I was getting really into working on getting the likeness by getting way into the shapes of the bags under his eyes, and the way his cheeks fold by his nose and mouth. 

[Cody's portrait sculpture in progress]

    I spent a lot of time going back and forth trying to get the silhouette of his beard correct, while making it transition from his face to hair in as natural a way as clay can. I built up his neck a lot, then had to cut it back down as I adjusted his jaw/beard everything had to get shifted around. Such is the nature of sculpting from life.

[Cody's portrait sculpture in progress]

    I'm happy with where I've gotten the sculpture to today, and after critique, and another afternoon it can only look better. I've got some painting and drawing homework I'll be working on, and tweaking all of my previous sculptures up until next week. So I'll be able to keep busy, I'm also trying to find time to work on my own projects/work as well to get me going into break where that's all I'll be doing for art essentially.

    I'm thinking about maybe a weekly themed series of drawings/digital paintings or something, we'll see.


    So I'm pretty much done with my sculpture. I need to fix the eye gaze, he looks cross eyed in these photos. The model is on this next picture. I wish I noticed the weird eye sight before I finished and took a picture. Its really hard to make eyes look like they are facing one direction and not two different locations.  I struggled with this piece for a long time. I still see things wrong with it, but my armature kept me from fixing the width of some objects because I started to hit the frame inside of the clay. I'm pleased with how it turned out though. I felt pretty good about my sculpting abilities these past few weeks.

[Allison's portrait sculpture in progress with]

   I gave him a septum piercing for fun and some earrings. Our model was really fun to talk with and he laughed at some conversations we had and he had to put up with my clumsiness because I would almost hit him a few times with my caliper. This photo seems to be a little warped. Unless I was actually that far off. My model had some interesting features so some things are not "average" , but I will be double checking my angles next class and really fine tuning the small details now that I have finished the eyeballs ( not the gaze still...) The mouth looks like it comes out a little too far.. or it might just be the photo taking it at a weird angle. It didn't look weird when I saw it, who knows...

[Allison's sculpture portrait in progress]


"If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, what is the significance of a clean desk?"
-Laurence J. Peter

1 comment:

  1. Cody ... that guy is turning out great! I think he needs some glass in those eye sockets ... maybe a marble, cat eye!

    Your homework assignment is cool too, and Allison's elf is looking good too.

    Gotta get some homework done now, when yous guys outa class?

    Love Dad
