Monday, August 25, 2014

The Beginning of School, the End of Our Wallets

    So today was our first "real" day at Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts, a lot of stuff happened, and a lot of nothing happened.

    Over the summer(in the last two weeks of summer) we were sent an email suggesting a summer project that we work on to bring to the first day of orientation. It was to be a self portrait, made out of recycled materials. Which for most students would probably seem a challenge even conceptually, but when Allison and I read the email we looked at each other and smiled.

    I've been doing recycled art since about my sophomore/junior year in high school, I'll talk more about that in another post someday down the road, and Allison is no stranger to the medium...mediums... mixed media? either. We both have very different approaches to our pieces, but I'll let them talk for themselves.

    As you can see mine ended up being an entire sculpture and Allison's more of a drawing with slight relief. Just two of the many ways we're our ideas are different. 


    So today was pretty okay. I did enjoy seeing the people we saw on Sunday again. We met some sweet rad people at the picnic and today was about "rules" and "lets walk the school for A WHOLE HOUR"  Now, for me. I can't sit still for more than 10 minutes. Yet I also don't like walking nonsense for an hour. 

   The critique was a little  long for our summer projects ( approximately 385 leg bounces of my time ) . My friend made a piece in approximately 20 min, and we talked about it for 30 minutes. I feel like people were trying to pull some crazy emotional meaning to life out of his sculpture. We laughed a lot because people who "like to do art", instead of people who want help others do better art, say what they like and pull things out of their bums, and not about what they think could help the artist grow with their art.

   Yadda Yadda. I'm not afraid to tell someone that they need to think about their composition more. Yet kids are like " HOLY MOLY YOU'RE SO NEGATIVE " the moment I tell them there's too much white.

Anywho, Thats my side of the day.

Ps. Art supplies are dang expensive, and our wallets are significantly lighter because some "quality" 1.5 oz. tubes of paint cost $15.

Check back here on Wednesday and we'll have more to share/say!

"Until next time..." -He-man

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